Thursday, February 14, 2008

Onwards & outwards

This blog was going in a few directions, and while I still like the title, I have spun off a few more focused projects.

One is The Unlikely Times -- "A journal of the hard-to-believe and the not quite believable."

Another is Dark Windows -- an email newsletter of dark fiction, poetry and odd clips from old factual and fictional sources. Plus some dreams, to completely muddy the line between reality and the imagination.

I'm working on another project, dealing with short clips on the history of words. But, ssh ... it's secret.

This blog, as it goes forward, will focus on unusual science news. Think of it as things that sound like sci-fi but are actually happening. It's not the future, it's the UnFuture.


Sunday, February 03, 2008

Progress Report, 2/3/08

I wrote about 30 new poems this week, mostly haiku and cinquains. Only about 3 of those
were obvious duds. A few longer ones were unexpected surprises.

This week's submissions (mostly short stories) went to:

Clarkesworld, Fantasy, Flash Fiction Online, Futures (Nature), Heliotrope, Odyssey,
Shroud, Weird Tales, Coyote Wild, Andromeda Spaceways, Darwin's Evolution, Dog vs Sandwich,
Sigurd Journal, Lone Star Stories, Scifikuest

Rejects from Noneuclidean Cafe, Lone Star Stories

No new acceptances this week.