Friday, November 30, 2007
Major life news & moving ahead
For anyone who is keeping score, or focused on (nonexistent) schedules, you may have noticed that there was no Nov 15 issue. We were just getting over the fires -- making up for lost hours and depression -- when my Mom died on Nov. 13.
I'm not going to focus on that here. I had many days (like Thanksgiving) when I didn't feel like doing anything, and wondered about the wisdom of compiling dark/horror works at a time like this, but I don't the kind of horror where people die, or come up with cool new ways to kill people. I deal with the "supernatural horror" as defined by H.P.Lovecraft, where non-human forces make us ponder our very reason for being. Real world sadness, or the passing of a single life, does not change this.
Regardless of how we paint the world, or how we let the world be painted for us, we know on some level that we're walking a fine line between what is right and wrong, between creating wonders and facing our own oblivion. What is real beneath all the artificial layers of society? Things are always stirring, just out of reach. Frankly, we could all be wiped out and the outer darkness would not change -- it's just that nobody would be here to appreciate it.
The other fine line that interests me is trying to entertain, help people escape their day-to-day reality, without pushing too far with lectures or too heavy with the darkness. I don't want to dwell on "bad things." It's all just a walk in the woods. We must explore. And exploring must always teach us things, even if they are never spoken aloud.
2024 note: this was the intro to my newsletter Dark Windows #7, but since that since has been gone for years, I have added it to the flow of this blog.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
decoding Cinnamon the Cat
Of course, "cat people" would not be surprised by this. Cats are like weird little children, with or without a genetic reason. Of course, I have one looking over my shoulder (sleeping on the chair behind me with one eye open) and one ready to claw my leg (wants to walk back & forth in front of my face as I try to type), so I have to say nice things about them, or else.
Funny how we think we domesticated all our pets and livestock, when they more likely domesticated themselves around us. We act like we're in control -- we train them and give the orders, right? In fact, they quietly train us to put up with their quirks and schedules and needs along the way. And this is never more obvious than with cats.
Of our three cats, one stares right into my eyes when I talk to her, like she's looking for answers. Oddly, wearing sunglasses doesn't seem to bother her one bit. She still looks right into my eyes.
My favorite cat mystery is why they seem completely oblivious to reflections -- shouldn't seeing themselves in a mirror be completely bizarre? Combine this with their notorious curiosity, and I expect SOME kind of reaction. I recall that as kittens they paid were startled a bit by seeing motion in mirrors, but now they can somehow be obsessed with the slightest scrap of string and ignore their own image completely. I'm guessing that reflections have no scent component, but still ...
... random reflections on cats.
link to the article:
Friday, November 02, 2007
jinxed the spider, try this comet instead
On the fun side, there's a bright comet in Perseus now. About 2 weeks ago it was a faint 17th-magnitude thing, far off and easily forgotten. But then it got a million times brighter for no obvious reason, now it's easy to spot, even without binoculars. Just look for the fuzzy thing near Alpha Persei that doesn't belong there. Because it's fairly distant, it's not moving much from night to night. It's probably going to fade away soon, so check it out while you can.
Here's a finder chart & more info:
Friday, October 26, 2007
freaky spider for Halloween
We have a big spider living in a classic circular web just outside my office window. It only eats bees, sometimes two a day. When it doesn't catch anything, its abdomen shrinks back down to where it looks like a huge tick. After eating a few bees, it balloons up again. Because of the smoke, the bees wouldn't come out, and the spider's web was destroyed by wind. It clung to one of our hanging baskets for a few days to weather out the storm, giving me a chance to finally get a good photo of its top side (which was previously facing the wall):

Oddly, its underside is black with yellow streaks:

After the fire, it had shrunk down to almost nothing and flapped around listlessly for a day or two, and I thought it had starved. But now it seems okay again -- the bees have come out and it caught one already.
Also strange: there were two different types of smaller spiders (both with the same weird habit of holding their legs together in pairs) which tried to mate with it about a month ago, but it hasn't had any eggs that we know of. One photo shows both intruders in the web, plus a closeup of each one. The big female let the tiny spider stay close to her for about two days (obviously a male), but the larger intruder was kept away (and a bit of a mystery).

According to a local spider collector, it's a Mexican orb weaver. Leg spread about 2 inches. Really a spectacular critter. We're glad she survived the fires. Makes me wonder about all the other creatures, great and small, that were wiped out.
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wildfires 10/25/2007
We liked it better when Escondido was in the news for being in the title of that Eric Clapton & J.J.Cale CD a few months ago. Being a plume of smoke, staging area, CNN hot spot, and Presidential photo opp is much less fun. I kept hoping our Governator really did have giant robot friends he could call on, or that there were enough National Guard to um ... guard the nation.
But for 2 days it was essentially a hurricane that was on fire. Nobody could stand in front of the thing and slow it down, and it was too hazardous for choppers to lift off. The few water drops did nothing, since the water never reached the ground. By the time there was a break in the wind, it was 100,000 acres -- more like a few hundred spot fires than one big thing -- but still growing.
Anyway ...
We had an evacuated mom & baby stay with us on Monday, but Tuesday morning the smoke was too much, so we packed up the cats & papers & food stash and got out. By late Tuesday the wind stopped, the smoke columns stood up and we went home ... but there were still fires burning 7 to 20 miles away in every direction.
There were enough mapping tools online that I could keep an eye on the fires and winds, and get a good night's sleep. It calmed down after a few days, but you can tell that everyone around here has a story and a burden, and we try to go through a normal day even though people are conspicuously missing and we're avoiding some areas because they're supposed to be in ruin.
Right now we have a creepy red Halloween moon. I guess kids will be asking for candy in a few days. Never play trick or treat with mother nature.
Nov 1 update: More than a week later we still get a lungful of smoke or ash when we least expect it. And we're expecting another red-flag dry and windy weekend ... (11/1/07)
2024 note: this was the Intro to my newsletter Dark Windows #6, but since that site has been defunct for years, I am folding those into this blog.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Long, Bad Weekend in Phoenix
Journal entries about a difficult weekend. Wacky road trip, one frustration after another.
I had to testify in court about certain family health matters in Phoenix on Monday (today), so ... 6-1/2 hour drive, and I got a ticket for not having a front license plate (which was never a problem before) just 4 miles from the state line. Got whatever sleep I could, not much. Got to the mental hospital, and while waiting to be called someone came in from outside and said, "Whoever has the blue Saturn has a flat tire." My reaction, "The way things are going, that would have to be me."
I went through some emotional hell, came out and had to put on the spare tire (while mental patients came and went). Note that my "look good in court" clothes hadn't been worn in 8 or 10 years, and really didn't fit, but I got the spare on and went back to my hotel to ask for a tire place. At the time, someone was revving their engine right outside the door and cussing and yelling, apparently because they had been told it was a non-smoking hotel and they couldn't deal with it. When the dickhead squealed the tires and drove off (thus proving his dickhead status and nothing else), the nice frazzled hotel lady told me about a Discount Tire place just up the road "in that construction area, can't miss it."
True, you couldn't miss the construction site -- it turned out to be a huge project ripping up the 4 middle lanes of Main Street (Mesa AZ) to put in a light rail system. Over a mile of arrows and warnings and sudden turns to get to businesses that would probably be ruined anyway. At first it didn't look like there was any way to get to the tire shop, then there was. I almost locked the keys in the car when I showed the guy the trick to starting the car (a silly security widget), had to slam the door on my hand at the last moment when I saw he'd left the keys in the ignition. While waiting, I walked over to Subway and bought a sandwich I couldn't eat because my stomach was upset and I had 400 miles to drive ...
Someone's floppy-eared dog squirmed out the half-opened window of their truck and ran around all excited. I got a hold of it and kept it entertained for a few minute while the owners were located. Instead of saying thanks, they just yelled at me, threw the dog in the truck and drove off.
As I told my brother when I got home: the way it was going I was sure I'd get trampled by llamas next, so I didn't make any extra stops. I changed out of my too-tight court pants at a rest area, filled up on cheap Arizona gas (it's 35 cents more in CA due to extra taxes) and somewhere along the line slammed the car door on my other hand for no reason at all. Approaching Quartzite, there was finally a break in the clouds, and huge sunbeams shone down on the town like some biblical scene, except that it was the same old place in the middle of nowhere. Of course I stopped at Chiriaco Summit, the best hangout on the emptiest stretch of the I-10, and got to tell some of the local history to some first time visitors. I snapped some photos of a litter of kittens camped out right under a sign saying "Free Kittens to a Good Home."
No matter how bad the day has been, or how dumb humans are, one can always trust animals to make it okay and simple again.
That's why this issue is a half an hour overdue. It had been sitting on my hard drive since Sep 12, just waiting for an intro, and I found myself living the perfect intro today.
(For people who hate loose ends ... back to that sandwich: by the time I got home 6 hours later it was gone and I vaguely recall finishing it somewhere around Indio during the Billy Joel part of the trip, hoping that no CHP choppers were following me with high-tech food detectors, praying all the salami-sniffing K-9 units were busy on other calls.)
2024 note: this was the intro to my newsletter Dark Windows #4, but since that since has been gone for years, I have added it to the flow of this blog.
Now, about the license plates. I did eventually go through the hassle and expense of getting new plates for my car. When I went to put them on the car, and unscrewed the screws on the old back license plate frame, TWO license plates came off the back. So, I had two licenses plate the whole time. Argh.
Last note (still 2024): I was able to find the photo I mentioned about the kittens, and it was nothing like I thought it would be in my mind's eye. Way more cold and industrial, but the kitties were cute.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
finding a plane in a haystack
Well, you can actually help look for him online. A fresh satellite image of the area is available, and they set up a very easy-to-use site on Amazon where you can scan little areas of the image, looking for the plane.
Start here:
It's a fascinating demonstration of just how big the wilderness can be. Feel free to grab their Google Earth KML file of the area and zoom around. Millions of trees, thousands of ridges and hills, an endless stretch of wasteland.
And there was a weird estimate in a CNN article that there may be over 100 older crashed planes in this area, never found. So it's an area well worth exploring. We're used to being in safe homes and familiar streets -- but when a person gets lost the world is effectively infinite.
= scott
Friday, August 24, 2007
nonfic, fic and poetry in one day?
I'd have to call this a productive day ...
- I launched my dark fiction/poetry newsletter today: (2024 note, the site is long gone)
- I wrote a 1,500-word article on the history and nuances of the horror genre
- proofed the galley for my tale at Swimming Kangaroo
- I wrote a 2,400-word far future insane internet fantasy (I've
never seen anything else quite like it anywhere, which is either good or
- and with the SFPA poetry contest ending tomorrow (Over 250 poems
were submitted in 45 days), that's winding down, and somehow I got a
rhythm of words in my mind which led to a new poem that's a crushing and
tragic conspiracy future in just a few words
plus one rejection, no big deal
making backups now...
Newsletter out, new news already
I just sent out my AuthorsDen newsletter 2 nights ago, but I already have new news.
=====> NEW SALES:
"swirling eyes" (poem) accepted at Not One of Us (Jan 08)
"what the spirits taught us" (poem) accepted at Tales of the Talisman (Jun 08)
"Quake Man" (flash fiction) accepted at Swimming Kangaroo Press
"At Ripley's" (poem: ode to the Ripley's Museum) accepted for Helix #6.
"Unusual Vampire Lore" (article) accepted at Hungur.
"Blue sky tentacles" (cover art) accepted by Beyond Centauri.
Poems accepted by Expressions newsletter, Sword Review, and the Verb.
"Harrod Runs his Mouth" (flash fiction) in Burst magazine.
A gruesome illustration has been accepted for the Hungur 2 anthology.
"Jane Doe Discovered" (Poetry chapbook) coming in late 2007 from
all paths diverge in the woods
I launched an email newsletter called "Dark Windows." It is taking a book-length collection of dark poetry and stories and serializing it in 2,000-word chunks. With some extra features. You can find it here:
So, darker works and dreams will be moving over there. The new feature that entered the stream was a huge collection of quotes from old books, what I call "odd clips". There are so many great lines and strange moments and arguments, both silly and strange, scattered through a million volumes ... I've had fun finding them, and they add some spice and humor to these "streams of thought" of mine. Things to ponder. Fun to guess where they came from before checking the credits. Anyway, odd clips are going to start appearing, here, there and everywhere.
"Unfuture Chronicle" will continue as the venue for my sci-fi and futuristic works and ponderings.
Along the way, I have been forced to look at how the various genres interact and how I fit into them, while reading more genre history and classic works. Some fascinating stuff. My new, streamlined rationale is "order vs chaos." The darker genres are rooted in the chaos and unknowns of the world, mostly channeled from the distant past. Sci-fi and futurism are rooted in the order and knowns of the world, and look toward the future. The present day is caught in the middle, and that's why it makes no sense at all.
And now, a quick wrap up of my recent creative sales. Thanks for visiting.
=====> NEW SALES:
"swirling eyes" (poem) accepted at Not One of Us (Jan 08)
"what the spirits taught us" (poem) accepted at Tales of the Talisman (Jun 08)
"Quake Man" (flash fiction) accepted at Swimming Kangaroo Press
"At Ripley's" (poem: ode to the Ripley's Museum) accepted for Helix #6.
"Unusual Vampire Lore" (article) accepted at Hungur.
"Blue sky tentacles" (cover art) accepted by Beyond Centauri.
Poems accepted by Expressions newsletter, Sword Review, and the Verb.
"Harrod Runs his Mouth" (flash fiction) in Burst magazine.
A gruesome illustration has been accepted for the Hungur 2 anthology.
"Jane Doe Discovered" (Poetry chapbook) coming in late 2007 from
Saturday, August 11, 2007
what dreams have come
Yet there is a line we can't cross, where we start to believe that they have a reality of their own, that the creatures we see actually live in the cracks and shadows of our world, that all waking people are living in denial. If we follow that path, we can start to deny our real lives, give the dreams more reality, and then we are lost in the greatest cover-up in history, the non-meaning of existence itself. From that lonely hilltop, we can see whatever we wish to see, but it can never touch us, and we can never leave a mark or bring back any kind of solid road to walk upon.
On the other hand, the alternative -- a complete drab explanation of dreams -- would spoil life itself.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
domeward bound
In the dream ...
My car didn't come to life, not like in the movies. Instead, the transmission got a mind of its own, kept switching gears at awkward moments, kept trying to crash me into things. It popped into low gear as I was trying to slow down at some stoplights, refused to get on the freeway entirely, and when I finally parked outside the UCSD BioDome (which was having an open house) it went into reverse, drove me up an embankment and wedged the car between two pine trees. I had to climb out the rear window.
I was deeper in the woods that I had thought, and when I came out I was somewhere on campus. I figured I should head for the top floor of the tallest building (about 15 stories up) and would be able to see the dome from there. The building was some kind of massive student lounge, or country club, judging from the lounging students and pop culture clone women walking around looking to score (with anyone but me).
The top floor was just a narrow hallway full of hair salons, with the stink of exotic creams and shampoos and burnt toenails. When I turned to get back on the elevator, it hiccuped, then there was an uninviting grinding sound. A wall section slid down over the elevator doors -- the new chunk of wall had a mock door that said "Janitor's Closet," (ha ha) and a little sign saying "STAIRS --->"
So I took the stairs. Some heavily painted clone girls were there, complaining about the exertion, how walking down stairs would make little wrinkles appear under their eyes some day. They went down only two floors, convinced that somehow the same elevator wouldn't be broken two floors down.
I jogged the rest of the way but ended up in just my underwear. When I ran through the crowded lobby, I was the entertainment of the hour, the thing everyone had to laugh at so they could puff up and feel important about themselves. I grabbed some clothes off the rack at the little Gap store in the lobby, flashed my credit card, gave Starbucks the finger, and stepped out into the fresh air (free at last!) only to run smack into Bill Clinton and some Secret Service dudes.
I was pretty frazzled by then. All I could do is scream, "What the hell are you guys looking at?"
Clinton laughed. We all laughed. It was pretty damn funny, but nobody knew why. I was thinking, "Bill Clinton visiting a tower full of clone girls." He was probably thinking, "Some nerd from the computer lab. I wonder if he can fix my toaster."
I told them to have a nice day, then ran off knowing I'd never be able to find my car.
Later on I was home, reading emails from the uncles I hadn't spoken to in 30 years, all about their families. I must have wasted an hour reading them and taking notes, updating phone numbers & contact info, only to wake up and find that the messages were not real, and the real uncles hadn't responded yet.
My car came home around 3 a.m., reeking of hydrogen & sulfur.
Friday, June 15, 2007
teddy bear rampage
"Fluff and Buttons on the Teddy Bear Range"
by Matthew Sanborn Smith
published at Chiaroscuro
Check it out. It's the perfect blend of being dead serious about the absurd. It reminded me of my first sale to Analog -- "Last of the Soft Things," about how stuffed animals indirectly destroy civilization. Even if a premise is silly, true "speculative fiction" thinking means that we follow our "what ifs" to their logical conclusions, however illogical the results. That's how my current Analog tale ("Jimmy the Box") fits into a hard sci-fi magazine: the logic is pure science, and if the premise is not entirely serious, the results are still valid. Throw in the human element, and it makes the day. Regardless of genre or current story formulas, I think we should always be allowed to have fun with reality.
Okay, I know I should be promoting my own works on my blog. Really? Why talk and talk and never ask for money? Just kidding. I hate selling things, hate talking about money. I like to hear about people, and get tired of talking about me.
I hope you enjoy what I write and check out some of my books and other projects -- see the links at the right.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Nowhere, Arizona
I couldn't sleep. It reminded me of other possible lapses. Not closing out magazines 100% right - someone out there would corner me and say I never gave him an answer on a poem. And if I ever went back to college there was a whole semester of incompletes, for weird classes I never would have chosen.
We started home the next day, my nerves frazzled. The car sounded funny. We ended up seventy miles from anywhere in a small town baking in the sun. A friendly general store, a truckstop, and though there was no hotel, there was a guy who followed us around and begged us to stay upstairs. When the car exploded after dinner, we had no choice but to stay upstairs from the video store. All night Carmen slept and I heard the ch-ching of the cash registers, as the small town of eighty people dished out a thousand videos. In the morning the car was fine, but the town was made out of barbed wire, the townsfolk were plastic bags caught on the barbs, crying in the wind.
Time to go. But when I checked the map, we were in no known state, no known country. There were red roads and blue rivers, and glyphs that looked like eyeballs. I knew we lived west, but halfway home we were in the ocean, far from land, and the last of the air was gone.
= dream 5/27/07
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
feel the buzz
Now they formed words, but flipping bodies up or down, like a furry LED display:
We had been studying the effects of cell phones on the hive. So I knew which hum they were talking about. I turned on the jamming system, which canceled out the cell tower signals from around the lab.
"I can't change the world."
"OR ELSE ..."
"Well, I can't change it YET. We're learning what the problem is."
They all stung at once. I swelled up and the world went red, but I saw their last message.
a dream 5/27/07
And I wrote another tale about bees just yesterday ...
Monday, May 14, 2007
face factory
theirs. We took over Ridge 30 and overflowed into 29. I jumped
to the pier and let the mooring boy do the rest. But none of my
friends got off their boats. I waited for hours, until morning,
when all the boats were gone, including mine.
In a state of great displeasure, I set out across town to
find the one guy I did know. After a short while, I came to his
address, but there was a huge looming factory there instead of a
home. Then I recalled that he lived and worked there, and even
the factory name seemed familiar. Crimson Faces, Inc. I sought
The foreman was seated at a strangely garbled control panel,
half machine, half gadget, breathing in places and covered with
faces. I asked for Guy, and the foreman said he'd try to page
him, but no guarantees. He cranked the phone for a moment, then
took a carton of milk out of his coat pocket and poured it into a
wet place at the top of the panel. "Hell, it gets me a dial
tone," he joked. His phone wasn't plugged into anything, so he
quickly gave up. He picked up this open-ended TV from the ground
and tried to get a bearing on my friend, but succeeded only in
giving himself a nasty shock.
"Look," he said, finally. "Here's where he sleeps. I
suggest you wait here." He took a handful of white-red sand from
one of the bins over the door, and sprinkled it over the yellow
sand that filled the coffin. He trailed a sand-pattern on the
floor and pronounced the place fit to be visited.
There was no decor, everything was pipes and bits of faces.
Guy never did show up. The foreman came back later to say that
he had been absorbed by the input manifestor, and that I had been
sent by God to replace him. He congratulated me on my fine work
building that LILCO plant on the Island (which I didn't do), then
he said that there were no longer any doors in the place, so I
might as well get comfortable.
My sandcolor was light brown, and I could start sorting the
facebin first thing in the morning.
==== dream from old journal - 3/19/86
Friday, May 11, 2007
Analog, coming soon
I hope you'll check it out -- it's a fun little romp.
I've been working on some new tales, and a series of nonfiction -- mock science articles on seemingly pointless topics. Hard to explain. I hope to get them "out there" soon. I will avoid littering this blog with nonfiction in the future, but sometimes a news item is just worth shouting about.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Writing news - April 2007
I hope everyone's doing well out there. Seems like most of my writing these days is describing things I'm selling on eBay, but I've managed a bit of real writing, including selling another offbeat story to Analog and posting some of my short films and outtakes on YouTube.
Poetry chapbook "Peripheral Visions" (NEW) now available from Assume Nothing Press for $6.
Here's the link:
Poetry collection "Appalling Limericks" now available from -- I was the editor of this one, and it's a lot of fun.
My new story collection ("Blank Spaces & other dangers") is currently offline.
I'm working to get it setup again soon.
I still have a few copies of "Afterlife 9" and "the Other secret house" available for $5 postpaid in the USA.
Recent works of mine can be found in Appalling Limericks, SciFan, Late Late Show, Star*Line FlashShot, Between Kisses, Sage of Consciousness, and Amaze.
My latest art pieces were: cover art & design for Ecotastrophe anthology, and cover design for Wondrous Web Worlds 6.
I wrote most of the game mechanics and character dialog for the video game "Left Behind: Eternal Forces", which was a fairly major release. But most of my contributions were replaced in the last year of production.
=====> NEW SALES:
An offbeat story "Jimmy the Box" will be appearing in Analog soon.
Poems accepted by Hahaku, SamsDot Publishing, and a few others.
Poetry chapbook "Jane Doe Discovered" coming in 2007 from
A gruesome illustration has been accepted for the Hungur 2 anthology.
=====> MY SITES:
My active blogs:
"writer's life" blog ...
Unfuture Chronicle ...
Thanks for your interest. Drop a line if you have any questions, or want to chat. Have a nice day.
= scott
Thursday, April 26, 2007
armed and maybe controlled
"Anything can happen when you give a machine gun to a robot."
I have to agree with the military guys who want little combat robots they can run by remote control. Never send men into a crossfire or a building full of hostile forces when you can send a little metal thing loaded with weapons. We're already programmed to play video games. How would it be any different to set a few thousand bots loose and let people go down to the local arcade and strike a few blows for their country?
Personally, I'd prefer a world where there was no fighting at all. But apparently, I was delusional all those years. It now looks like we will be at war forever. We can never let our guard down, because we would be trampled in an instant by all the people who want what they want, for whatever reason. Self-interest is our guiding principal, and apparently we all want to see how much we can get away with, from top to bottom. There are pressure systems, just like in the atmosphere, with all goods flowing from place to place driven by unseen forces.
I'd like to see a news service that only shows good news. Where we can see that people are still giving, caring ... but this doesn't sell, so it has been largely wiped from the big screen. I wonder if there's any good news at all, and hope like hell there is. Left to themselves, I've found people to be decent, and interesting. But as soon as they start to get together, they can destroy anything in their path.
So here we are, giving machine guns to robots and hoping they can clean up today's mess without screwing up tomorrow too badly.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
the buzz about dying bees
It's sobering to think that our actions or creations could have such a subtle, unpredictable effect on the world around us, and that the effect is hardly noticed until it becomes too vast to ignore. Or is that just the way we do things? All flowering plants could be wiped out, and the pine trees and ferns would return to carpet our dead cities. I'm just speculating, because that's my role. But let's keep an eye on this story. It will be interesting to see what's behind it all.
More reading ...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
tuna guitar & the origami troupe
Then I was at an odd stage play. The crew came out and setup a man-sized wooden dog, then walked off stage. The planks that made up the dog began to unfold and twist in slow-motion transformations, soon becoming a lion in a classic stalking pose. Then the gears turned again, and the wooden surfaces moved, and it was a caribou. Someone began to chant "Hakuna Matata," and when the whole crowd was spouting that vibe, the production had to fight back. Someone slapped on "Animal Magnetism" by the Scorpions. The guitar crunched out the chords, then the cast came out and began to frolic and devour each other.
Of course, that's when my cell phone rang, which was surprising since I don't have one. But there it was in my pocket, ringing. I picked it up, covered one ear. "Dammit, I told you I'm trying to get out of building websites for people. Right now I'm at some kind of off-off-broadway cannibal party, gotta run."
But by then the feast was over. Later I was told that the blood was symbolic, but there wouldn't be a repeat performance.
--- dream 4/18/07
Friday, April 20, 2007
getting into 9th gear
I had a car with a 9-speed stick shift, where the very last gear will teleport the car up to a mile away in a random direction. The non-space bubble would float up or down to the surface of the earth before collapsing and bringing the car back to reality. Someone stole the car when I was in the city looking for clues ... I saw her go around a corner, engine sputtering. She obviously wasn't used to a stick. Then she vanished.
Nobody in their right mind would do a random teleport inside a city. It was made for places like Kansas with long straight roads and square miles of corn to hide in. I took out my keys and pressed the emergency button, hoping I wasn't too late. The car should have teleported back to the dealership and sprayed knock-out gas on the driver. Fun times. My phone rang less than a minute later.
On a good day, technology does work as advertised.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
a final fire
but not today.
another day, no faces, run and hide. shift after shift, shifting but never changing. wars imagined, made real, fought to the death. the banks win every time, quietly behind the scenes, laughing between piles of infusible irrefutable gold. the buttons, pushed. hidden codes shuffle. thunderstorms pass far overhead. what if the power fails? all the codes would fall to the floor like last week's rose petals. and without the codes there is nothing to stop the irrational, irreversible reaction.
the end of 10,000 years of arts and invention. maybe plants will survive and inhabit our bones when we're gone. things will scurry and tunnel and dine on our silted-over credit cards, take a bite, spit it out, inedible garbage. the sun will continue to pump energy into the earth. we were just a side effect of that energy. may the next creatures rise and be all we wanted to be, and more.
--- daydream at 1am, 4/17/07
felons in limbo
Link here:
Obviously, these are dangerous people, and there's no good way to know which ones will repeat their crimes. It's a strange situation where the people can't be held in prison forever, but can't be set free either. New legislation may result in tagging the felons with radio transmitters, and one can picture a scenario where computers track them and sound alarms if they leave their prescribed area or enter some forbidden zone. It's almost a scenario for shared computing -- I'm sure there are people who would sit around all day watching little blips on a map and firing buzzers every time they saw something they thought was suspicious. Even easier, why not just tag everyone, and then we can zap each other and penalize each other for fun, or send anonymous drug tips about ex-boyfriends just for kicks.
I'm not trying to be facetious. We all should have our freedoms and rights, and each type of crime may properly result in loss of certain freedoms for the safety of the society. I'm just trying to point out one of those futuristic-seeming scenarios we never could have predicted, that doesn't appear to have a solution, now that Australia is off limits for all our riff-raff. Don't laugh just yet -- European nations used to send their convicts to remote islands, or the persecuted people could sail off to new lands, but the world is flooded with people now. Some of them even end up under bridges ...
Saturday, April 14, 2007
welcome to my sandstorm
It was pitch black and there was a giant cartoon dog on the wall. At first I thought it was talking to me, but then I saw the three children sitting on the couch in the darkness, lit only by cartoon-dog-light. I kept to the shadows, found another door, then a black hallway.
A group of commandos came pounding up the hall after me. As they approached, images appeared on the walls around them. I pressed my body up against a tall curtain and they rushed right past me, barking orders and cusswords at each other. They went into a room up ahead and started shooting and shouting. I sneaked a peek through the door, and saw they were in a cave full of demons. Things rushed at them, they fired, things burst, but I could see it was all on the walls. None of it real. Of all the places I could have found shelter, I chose some crazy VR gallery, and unless the system knew I was there, I couldn't participate in any of the games.
I rushed to find the front desk, to buy a ticket. One of the games on the list was Sandstorm, which I thought ironic at first, but then I rushed outside and found that the storm was made of pixels about an inch wide. I wondered why I hadn't noticed that earlier. Maybe the reality server was having a glitch. I turned around to get a refund but the arcade was just a gaping maw in the earth.
I checked and double-checked my firewalls, then dove down into the emptiness.
--- from a dream 4/10/07
Friday, April 13, 2007
invitation to crime
Here's a strange technology hoax ... someone posted on CraigsList that everything in a certain house in Washington was up for grabs. You could go take whatever you wanted for free. So people showed up, stole everything and gutted the place. They ripped out the water heater, sinks, even light fixtures, probably leaving dangerous bare wires sticking out. Some visitors filled up whole carloads, some even stopped to spray graffiti on the wall. I doubt the posting said that vandalism was okay, but you just don't invite strangers to a party.
How insane is that? It's wrong in every possible way: that someone could post such an invitation and have it go live; then that people would find the posting and think it was okay; then that people would show up and still think it was okay to grab whatever they want; that people are so desperate to make a buck any way they can; that the ransacking went on for hours before someone called the police; that people would leave trails of garbage all over the lawn ... apparently the posting was soon flagged as a violation, but the damage was done.
Disgusting behavior. This is what we get for giving the masses access to the internet, huh? We try to give everyone access to information, and instead we see a proliferation in crime, and whole new categories of crime being invented.
There was a clip on CNN of the investigating officer essentially saying that they're used to tracking down crap from craigslist, but this was a whole new kind of thing. Craigslist was reported as saying that they would not release any information about the offender(s) without a proper warrant, which is technically the correct response, but only if they're proud about sponsoring crime and scams. If I was running an online community, I'd certainly care about whether I was contributing to illegal activity, or at least becoming the laughing stock of the town. Craig himself always seemed like a pioneer, an underdog we could all cheer for, but you just can't hand technology to people these days without criminals and screaming heads finding a way to corrupt it.
I guess there will be a bunch of copycat revenges against ex-spouses now. More invitations to destruction and theft. Because there is no shortage of desperate people looking to get in on any action in an otherwise miserable world. Maybe the days of unmoderated forums and listing services are over, and clinging to the hope that people will use them honestly is just another Grimm fairy tale. On the bright side, the police could probably use similar invitations as a sting operation for petty thieves.
I'm thinking that news stories which suggest we're "living in a weird future" can find a home here from time to time.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
at your disposal
It was steady work. Every night we'd do five runs across the harbor, and on every run, at least one group of shady, jittery bad guys came to my tiny office dragging a dead goon by the hair. No paperwork, no questions, just my life on the ship of ghouls. The downside was not being able to tell my friends what I did for a living, so I had to say I was a bartender. Still, it put me through college, and then the ferry conveniently sailed into a fog bank and never came out. I had nothing to do with that, by the way. I heard the boss just got burned out and one night he called the disposal guy who made whole ships go away, not questions asked.
Fair enough, I guess.
--- from a dream March 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
short-lived heroes
I wasn't planning on killing them. It was more of a "candid camera" setup, I just wanted to see the looks on their faces when they walked through the fire and did the puzzles and traveled through time and whatever else to get to the safe with all the secrets in it. Confetti was supposed to pop out, along with a note saying "Smile, you're on YouTube!"
But apparently one of them was allergic to confetti, and when he sneezed it caused earthquakes. Heck, I don't think he even knew it, because they're all such lame characters (except for the blond with the two personalities). All I know was, I was a few blocks away in my SUV, watching the video feeds, when he sneezed and the ground started shaking. A few minutes later the building did a perfect Hollywood implosion, and nothing was left but a roiling cloud of dust.
I stared at the wreckage for a moment. Various shades of Oops crossed my mind. Then I drove off slowly, thinking, "They're coming to take me away, ha ha, hee hee, ho ho ..."
But they never did come.
a fun fever dream - 3/15/07
Apparently, I just don't like that show.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
deserts of the mind
Cold midnight with stars, and the the sound of fine sand rushing across the pavement. There were probably tumbleweeds circling us, sizing us up, looking for the right moment to leap under the tires like scratchy lemmings.
Whoever planned out Route 66 was not in his right mind. It's fun trying to follow the thing. Almost any time there's a clear route ahead, it veers off in some direction or other, looking for obstacles to overcome. Interesting, though. The full spectrum of "historic" from run down rusty nothings to well-kept diners and hotels.
A funny moment when we walked up to a Sonic and couldn't figure out how to order, and the wind drove us to the diner next door instead. Now in their TV commercials they tell you how the weird machine works, and what credit cards it takes. Little too late.
No new writing of any kind in January, just these reflections on old roads and sandy wastes. Our roasted almonds from Oatman only lasted so long, but all the funny photos of us with the burros ... priceless.