Monday, March 27, 2006

real zoo experience

We see only the fluffy pretty stuff when we go to a zoo. I was thinking of all the other things that might be going on, maybe some new events to show a wider range of animal behavior than just pacing around and sleeping all day ...

How about:
- the meerkat petting zoo (ankle armor recommended, and count your fingers when done)
- hand feeding the porcupines (they don't actually shoot those quills, you know)
- limbo in a leech pond (get down, get funky)
- a wildcat hugging contest (they look like comfy pillows but it's more like hugging a cuisinart)
- elephant scat scavenger hunt (never know what you'll find)
- lorikeet halloween (they're not just noisy and hyperactive, they're also vampiric ... just hold out your arm & say your prayers)

Yeah. Something like that.


From a chat at the WAP with Andy F. 3/26/06


Diana Castilleja said...

Oh, Scott, you're a riot! I never think like that... That's what makes you and your style so original.

Loved the poetry book by the way.

scott vee said...

Thanks Diana, glad you enjoyed it. We all filter the things we see, without paying any attention to the process. I just have different filters I can turn on, and try not to shy away from whatever direction they lead.