Friday, July 21, 2006

Bog Man

Bog Man
by s.c.virtes

Maybe this story was never told.

Of how it began and how it developed,
I suspect you know naught.

The ending which might have shocked generations
you cannot reconstruct from the brain tissue
you stole from our bog, from my head.

How you pulled me from my days of rest
and proved that I was one of you,
this story you proudly
but mistakenly tell.

But the true story, the one my father told me,
I told it to my flesh which
delivered it to the earth
from which all stories begin.

But the more you scrape my bones
the more I hesitate and wonder
if I was ever told at all.


Written 11/20/86, just found in an old notebook & revised 7/21/06.
A story version of this was written but never published.

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