Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Progress Report 3/4/08


New blog launched in Feb 2008:
"The Unlikely Times" - news of the improbable but true
URL: http://unlikelytimes.blogspot.com

"Remember the Ancient Mariner" (article) accepted by Illumen (Autumn 08)

"Cougar Village" (longpoem) to appear in Aoife's Kiss (Jun 08)

"fire snakes" (haiku) posted at Mindflights



My story "Lugosi Rock" was just posted at Postcards from Uranus:

I sold two haiku to Scifaikuest

New book cover designs for SamsDot:

- Family Tradition, by Dev Jarrett
- Jane Doe Discovered, by s.c.virtes (Art & Design)
- Tarantula Stampede, by Tom Galusha
- The Poetry Workshop & Beyond, by Terrie Relf
- Little Creatures, by Michael McCarty

Otherwise a quiet two weeks with a few rejections.



New acceptances & publications:

"tangled up in true" (poem) accepted by Space & Time

Stories (reprints) now available on AnthologyBuilder.com:
"Last of the Soft Things"
"Tuesday Came Apart"
URL: http://www.anthologybuilder.com/authordetails.php?byline=Scott%20Virtes

Poetry (reprints with art) posted on writersCafe.org:
"the shape of things to come"
"all those toys"
"in the blackout"
URL: http://www.writerscafe.org/writers/scottVee/

New book cover designs done:

- Christina's World, by Marge Simon (SamsDot)
- Tarantula Stampede (SamsDot)

New submissions sent to:
Triangulation: Taking Flight, Abyss & Apex, Star*Line (5 poems), Amaze (6 cinquains).

New rejects from:
Andromeda Spaceways (4 days), Futures/Nature (7 days)

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