Sunday, February 01, 2009

Are you still there?

I was just out at a local screenwriters group.  The usual mix of nice people from widely different backgrounds and different levels of experience.  Trouble is, I've been having some deja vu on writing-related topics lately.  It's just the same advice over and over, and debunking the same misinformation time and again.  Someone at tonight's meeting talked about having read dozens of books about screenwriting, and hearing all kinds of conflicting stories.  At some point it becomes counterproductive.  People are looking for some answer other than "work hard and cross your fingers," but there ARE no shortcuts.  Work doesn't get done by wiggling our noses and wishing real hard.

It turns out that writing is the easy part.  Who knew that it would be so hard to get anyone to listen to our words?


2024 note: this was the intro to my newsletter Dark Windows #35, but since that since has been gone for years, I have added it to the flow of this blog.

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