Wednesday, April 15, 2009

End of Dark Windows

I'm calling it quits for a while.  That's the short version.  A few thoughts:

I reached my goal of sending out 80,000 words of my work for free.  I got maybe 3 comments as a result, so I'm pulling out my hair trying to find something -- anything -- that gets noticed online.  But it has never been clearer that we're tiny fish in an ocean of stuff.  Shouting in the wake of sharks.  People have said that you have to just sign on to a thousand websites and just keep posting posting posting posting posting things.  And what?  Still no guarantee of anything, other than the time lost.  There would be no time left for life, or new work, or important work.

So, I'm taking a break.  I need to get new things written & done.  I'd like to put all 40 issues into a printed volume, I'm shopping it around.  In the meantime, there are PDFs of #1-20 available.  I may revisit Dark Windows a bit later on, since things tend to travel in circles in the creative world.

I'm also wrapping up "The Book of Tentacles" anthology, which is full of fun stories, and coming in June from  I think you'll get a kick out of it.

Thanks for reading & listening.  Cheers.


2024 note: this was the intro to my newsletter Dark Windows #40, but since that since has been gone for years, I have added it to the flow of this blog.

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