Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I had a good time down at our local ConDor convention last last weekend. After being in a funk for over a year, the poetry workshop sorta twisted my arm into writing my first new things in a while. Always nice to see Debbie Kolodji, Samantha Henderson, Deborah Flores, Sheila Finch, and the other usual suspects. Got to talk some astronomer with real astronomer David Lee Summers. Also had a nice talk with Denise Dumars about how the two of us used to get into opinionated debates back in the 80s in places like Scavenger's Newsletter ... before I ever suspected I'd end up in California; was nice to reminisce, and comically it turns out she's from the same CA town my wife grew up in.

There was a world religion conference at the other end of the same hotel, but I only felt at home when I turned a corner and saw the first person in Victorian costume. Such is normal.

Saucer blossoms for all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nioe blog.Well written.Well designed.Keep it up.