Friday, August 15, 2014

Updates - Aug 2014

Distilled from facebook posts:

Music report. Fun jam night. Started off fighting the day's sad news, but we went out of our way to be festive. Jackson Patrick did a few, then a nice surprise when two of the Duggans (Jimmy? and Don) did a set, then Jesus came in on his night off so it was a Jackson & Jesus show, I did my thing, then Norm, Jackson & Trish, my 2nd set, ending with Jackson & Jesus again ... specifically ending with their sweet jam of "Redemption Song." Lots of good humor. With new strings on guitar, I think my voice was the best it has been, so a good night. My new tunes were "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright", "Homeward Bound" (not as good as it was at home), and just a last-minute cheer up silly gag song: "Breakfast in America" (not really tring to capture the voice, just something happy for people to sing along with), probably redeemed "Skateaway" which was all out of whack last week. Nice that Alan Hart came out; got to talk with Nora, Don, Trish, Dave, someone, someone and a sprig of rosemary. Good to have a place where everyone knows your name (hey that's catchy). AND we invented a new drink called "Godzilla" (originally the girls were laughing and calling it an "Adios Tokyo" so I leaned over and gave it the proper name). And yes I will learn the song. You know, for a few hours I had no headache, no anxiety, no dizziness, just felt good. You guys rock.
Aug 11, 2014 11:58:19pm

Things done today: promo photo for a fellow musician, wrote 4 "mock advertisement" scripts for a travel site contest, got to page 100 in a first novel I'm reading & doing analysis of, wrote a haiku (poem #174 for 2014), progress report for work, ebay lots, mail, practiced music, dealt with today's sad news through denial and minor chords, performed music, night out with friends, and see that once again the cats have more food in the house than I do. Not bad for a sleep-deprived one-eyed jack with serious aches.
Aug 12, 2014 12:35:04am

Just received some contributors copies in the mail. Love PRINTED things that you can actually feel. So, I had 3 poems in Trysts of Fate magazine -- thanks, Lee Ann (editor AND cover artist, nice one!) -- Lisa Hayle would appreciate the irony that these were paranormal romance (gone horribly wrong). All three were written one night while listening to Jackson Patrick play music at a place in Carlsbad. Also a short short story about a bus from another dimension in Drabble Harvest #2, Terrie Leigh Relf, editor. Is everyone on facebook these days or what?
Aug 15, 2014 1:59:48pm

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Earliest Memory: Bar Harbor

This was from another writing prompt on

My earliest memory is being in Bar Harbor, Maine on a family vacation.  I was about 6.  My Dad took me down the beach to a lighthouse and we looked inside.  I remember the big spiral stairs circling up into a glare of sunlight.  Still inspiring ...

In fact, I told that tiny tale at his funeral a few years ago.  It was almost impossibly hard to get those few simple words out.  I have no interest in religion, but it seemed perfectly symbolic, that circle of light.  And there was something brave about saying it, in that moment.

It's really hard to return to that place now.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Have you ever been on TV or in a Movie?

Here's a piece that just came spilling out when I was answering a question on -- it ended up sounding like an interview, but it was just me following prompts.

1) Have you ever been on TV or in a Movie?

Not until I was 37, when I was cast as one of the core group of fighting sailors in "Master and Commander."  You know what?  Coming from a world of computer work, I actually suffered from culture shock because everyone around me was so darn ... nice.  Psyched.  Pumped.  I'd never seen that kind of camaraderie, that kind of problem solving, organization, or sheer madness.  Or worked so hard.  A film set (on a good day!) is the most exciting place I can picture working.  Even those odd days where I'm just trying to stop a wall from being torn down and have no idea whose mustache is in my hand and my headset keeps picking up air traffic and a polka station ... it does get surreal sometimes.   I just want to get back there again!  But I really don't want to be in front of the camera.  I'm big & weird-looking.  My gig was a sailor from 1802.  Now I still work on films, but only behind the scenes; writer, sound guy, you name it.  Still a great place to be, and no pressure to be pretty.  Not much money starting off, honestly.  After one P.A. job, long 15-hour days, I was told I could have made three times as much if I had mentioned that I'd done stand-in work before, and I said, "But I don't want to just STAND there, I want to do something!"  So, pay cut.  So many jobs, so many people needed!

2) If not, would you ever want to be on TV or in a Movie? Why? (be specific)

Until then I'd never even thought about it, I guess I bought into the stories that everyone in Hollywood is a jerk.  Seemed like there was some made-up barrier or mystique to try and keep regular folks away.  Or I was just a dope.  Before that I was a writer, and the written word is simple.  I never had that mad bravery that an actor needs.  And I was pretty sure nobody wanted to look at me.  But you need to realize that no matter what you look like, there's SOME role where you might fit in, SOME casting person who might see you and say, "Where have YOU been hiding?  You're just what we need today.".  So, until I tried it I said NO.  Not for me.  In my case, I was wrong and lost about 18 years of possible experience in the field.


The full piece is here, but this covers the main topic.