Saturday, January 04, 2014

Have you ever been on TV or in a Movie?

Here's a piece that just came spilling out when I was answering a question on -- it ended up sounding like an interview, but it was just me following prompts.

1) Have you ever been on TV or in a Movie?

Not until I was 37, when I was cast as one of the core group of fighting sailors in "Master and Commander."  You know what?  Coming from a world of computer work, I actually suffered from culture shock because everyone around me was so darn ... nice.  Psyched.  Pumped.  I'd never seen that kind of camaraderie, that kind of problem solving, organization, or sheer madness.  Or worked so hard.  A film set (on a good day!) is the most exciting place I can picture working.  Even those odd days where I'm just trying to stop a wall from being torn down and have no idea whose mustache is in my hand and my headset keeps picking up air traffic and a polka station ... it does get surreal sometimes.   I just want to get back there again!  But I really don't want to be in front of the camera.  I'm big & weird-looking.  My gig was a sailor from 1802.  Now I still work on films, but only behind the scenes; writer, sound guy, you name it.  Still a great place to be, and no pressure to be pretty.  Not much money starting off, honestly.  After one P.A. job, long 15-hour days, I was told I could have made three times as much if I had mentioned that I'd done stand-in work before, and I said, "But I don't want to just STAND there, I want to do something!"  So, pay cut.  So many jobs, so many people needed!

2) If not, would you ever want to be on TV or in a Movie? Why? (be specific)

Until then I'd never even thought about it, I guess I bought into the stories that everyone in Hollywood is a jerk.  Seemed like there was some made-up barrier or mystique to try and keep regular folks away.  Or I was just a dope.  Before that I was a writer, and the written word is simple.  I never had that mad bravery that an actor needs.  And I was pretty sure nobody wanted to look at me.  But you need to realize that no matter what you look like, there's SOME role where you might fit in, SOME casting person who might see you and say, "Where have YOU been hiding?  You're just what we need today.".  So, until I tried it I said NO.  Not for me.  In my case, I was wrong and lost about 18 years of possible experience in the field.


The full piece is here, but this covers the main topic.

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