Monday, May 10, 2021

Spinning the wheels, new commute

I was asked recently if I have been doing any writing lately. Fiction and poetry, not really. My brain is just blank from world events and how fact itself seems like fiction. But I have been doing short articles on a few topics: Gaming and Word History which had a crossover tonight on the subject of word games. I try to remember to play songs when I can. And I started a new job. Have not had an actual commute since 2004 so it is now bedtime. Cheers. 

2024 Update: this was after working as an independent contractor since 1996.  And since I felt crappy and stressed for part of every day, I had no real reason to think I could even handle the stress of a full-time job under fluorescent lights.  But it has worked out okay.  I just passed my 3rd anniversary at the job.  The big factor that makes it bearable is that everyone on the team is nice, and we're shielded from much of the chaos of every department trying to get their projects done first.

Also, that gaming blog has almost reached 300 posts.  That (and writing descriptions for thousands of stamp lots on HipStamp) has been my main creative output.  The Word blog fizzled.

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