Friday, January 06, 2006

New Sales & Oddities

Here are my latest sales ...

"drunk with life" (poem, with Terrie Leigh Relf) to appear in the anthology Bondage

"time the illusion" (poem) to appear in Abyss & Apex (Jan 2006)

"fractal eXpressions 1" (2006 calendar) now available for $16.95 at
13 eye-popping graphics!

"first tree on the moon" (poem) accepted for The Martian Wave (Apr 2006)

"turn up the heat" (poem) accepted for translation to Swedish for an upcoming project

bizarre new blog about cloud creatures:

Got my copy of the Magazine of Speculative Poetry (v7 #3) with my poem in it. Very cool.


I sent out a lot of pieces in December. I got okayed to send works to the new Amazon Shorts program. You have to have at least one book already for sale on Amazon to qualify. It's a big deal, very high exposure. I sent two outrageous comedy stories in. It has been so long since I've felt vaguely nervous about a submission. Hope they like 'em! 

 Note from 2024: this was copied over from my AuthorsDen blog.  SamsDot publishing is no longer there.

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