Monday, January 23, 2006

Poetry Night Out

Just got back from a fun poetry event. About a dozen of us reading or work at a friendly coffeehouse down by Balboa Park (San Diego). There were some shy readers, I did my usual oddities in a hopefully enjoyable carefree way, and a few guys really performed their words. A good variety, from haiku to a guy with a hand puppet raccoon that tried to bite his head off.

I brought all new work (mostly poems), no repeats from last week. However, it's all new to almost everyone, since few people have ever seen my work, statistically speaking. Forgot to pitch my chapbooks (again!), sold nothing, but I did meet folks, and got some contact info.  I'm always trying to expand my network of people, increasing my chance of finding out about future events. Nice group. Sold enough stuff on eBay while I was down there ...

Some writing news:

"Fluency" (story) accepted at the "Musical Voices" issue of Sage of Consciousness

"Consumption" (story) accepted by the "Hungur 2" anthology

Note from 2024: this was copied over from my AuthorsDen blog that I had forgotten about.  And both links are dead.

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