Monday, June 17, 2024

Some sales in the 2020s

Yesterday, a story I wrote with Denise Dumars went live on the Simultaneous Times podcast over at Space Cowboy Books.  You can listen to "Another Boiling Day" here.

It was fun listening to the advance "demo" version Jean-Paul sent.  I was impressed with his style of reading and the odd mix of jazzy music that helped give the impression of an eternally broken world we were trying to convey.  He nailed it.  I had a very different production in my head, but it wasn't about trying to make my production happen.  It was teamwork.  We sent the words and he made it work. 

Other recent sales:

4 poems and featured poer in the Winter 2022 issue of Illumen*
3 poems in the Winter 2023 issue of Illumen
sold a haiku to Scifaikuest for the Aug 2025 print issue

Jun 18 update: my poem "Lucy and the Elements" will be in a 2024 issue of Star*Line

Jun 22 update: my story "The Chicken Dilemmas" accepted for Flash Digest #4 (Jan 2025)

* This led to the interesting "full circle" moment when I saw Jackson Patrick at one of his shows in Carlsbad and gave him a signed copy.  Why "full circle"?  Well, the poems were written while he was performing the year before.  I would go out to a lot of shows with some blank pages folded in quarters, and capture strange melds of music and scenery and bits from my sci-fi brain.  One or two of the works were probably captured at the very same venue.  So there's story around those poems.

A few other submissions are in the works, but I have found it rather confusing trying to get back in the swing of things.  The markets seem very mixed, with strange requirements and short reading periods, and the constant threat where, if you don't follow every rule, they will just delete email and you will never know what happened to the work you sent.

I am working through it.

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