Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Okay. That's a twist on GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). In this case it's (goodies out, goodies in). Not sure when I became an optimst. That just seems odd.

Some recent acceptances. Some were reported last time, but more details given here:

"Data Dust" (Story) accepted at The Fifth Di...

"The Thing in the Tub" (flash) accepted by FlashShot

"celestial highway: (poem) now up at Astropoetica:

"stolen bang" (poem) coming soon in The Magazine of Speculative Poetry

"book of years" (poem) published in FireWeed:

"Telescope Eye" (flash) reprint posted on my blog: http://unfuture.blogspot.com/2005/12/telescope-eye.html

"Blank Spaces & other dangers" (story collection) coming in Jan 2006 from RageMachine Books

New graphics posted at http://scottVee.deviantArt.com - prints now available online.

Gotta keep busy. I have about 30 other poems and 8 stories submitted, so more good news should be trickling in.

Turned out that the whole writers group was sick, so we just called it off. This year's flu is the best!

I did find a good writers chat online, though. writerschatroom.com - they have guests on Wednesday night and open writing chat on Sunday night. Not open the rest of the week. Well worth visiting if you're serious about writing. 

Note from 2024: this was copied over from my AuthorsDen blog.  Funny about the regular flu I mentioned.  I'm writing this note from the other side of COVID-19.

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